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a picture of a happy woman

Renew Program

Improve your life 

a picture of a happy man

Be adaptable &  resourceful

a picture of a woman thinking

Be calm, centred & well balanced

a man climbing rock

  Manage any stressful & challenging situation

Is it time for you......

✅ Destress, restore, revitalise & feel good

✅ Learn about stress, how to manage & measure

✅ Build your immune system, Improve your energy & balance your wellbeing

✅To live your life so that you can be you!

If you decide this program is for you, you will be given some powerful tools, Simple step by step process, strategies that are fast and efficient, which will assist you to improve your life, to stay calm and let go stress, anxiety or limiting beliefs that hold you back.


I know life is short hence why I have designed these powerful tools so that all you need to do is give yourself the permission to take the time out of your day for you. 30 mins a day is all I ask that all you need and eventually you will not need the tools because you will harness the skills to manage yourself.

You are the leader of your life & you have the power to change your life 

You will taken on a journey that will provide the steps to change YOUR life for you to stay calm when you're in a highly stressful situation, let go of stress or ruminating thoughts, connect to your center and become adaptable.

These skills above aren't tangible and we haven't learnt them in our education system. You will feel good

Its like breathing, which isn't tangible and we need it to live.


Let me ask you, If we dont have you who do we have, who does your family have or your business?

For some reason we love to invest in our career or business and we forget about ourselves.

Would you agree with me if we don't learn how to manage stress to take care of ourselves we find ourselves becoming sick, tired or just had enough?

The facts are when we are under stress, pressures for long periods of time our body starts to talk to us in pain or illness.

Can you see how important it is to have the skills above? 

Firstly calming the mind is super important as you build your immune system, you let go of anxiety and stress and then you feel good. 

Science is now proving this works and see Proven results on the bottom of the page

I have qualifications as well as have experience with my own story and assisting thousands of other people  if you would like more details refer to about Kendra page.

What Kendra gives you!

● Week 1

Learn a formula of Stress Release, that will give you the resources to Let go, Manage and be more adaptive. You will unravel from all unwanted stress, pressure and
tension in your life.

Find the simple fast and effective way that you can use straight away.

● Week 2

Does your mind-chatter diminish your ability to experience peace and
joy?  Kendra will teach you calm mind, how to shift your mindset and
rewire your subconscious mind, neurological pathways which allows space
for you have a sense of peace and have clarity and focus.

● Week 3

The Step By Step formula to take your body away from physical pain or tension which
is without any pharmaceutical. You will learn how to engage with your body,
and become aware of your body

● Week 4

How exactly do you develop centred and adaptable habits  which is easy to
bring into your life just like breathing - Find out in lesson,  the 5x7
adaptable Habits 
which you can use to BE YOU without any stress,
empower yourself and then move more forward

● Week 5

You will achieve much more being stress free:

Kendra will share how to engage in every moment and have a high performance zone to work smarter, become more solutions focused and actively communicate.

● Week 6

Lifelong Just To Be Method and Formula (SMF model)
Dive Deeper to embrace and create joy and balance.

What’s going to make the
ultimate difference when it comes to creating lifelong habits?

Find out how these strategies will make a positive impact into your life.

A lot of the time when we are living life we don't know that we are stressed and it is a lot of the time when we are living life we don't know that we are stressed and it is effects us, it ends up showing up as overwhelms, pains, negative behaviours, chronic illness so many things, until we start to manage our stress. There's good stress and bad stress.


You are the leader of your life you have the power to feel good or feel stressed out ask yourself is it time to trust the process?  

If you want to have a Calm your mind and be you

Let go of stress and anxiety that holds you back

Be more adaptable and resourceful and manage any situation or challenge with ease and effortlessness 

Lets dive a little deeper shall we :) Does this sound like you?

  • Are you overwhelmed with a lot of worries, negative thoughts and self talk which is holding you back?

  • Are you getting affected by everything external happening around you ie crisis, climate, pandemic and don’t know how to focus within to cope with the scenario.

  • You sit at work CONSUMED  by deadlines, tasks and forget about yourself, simply to  drink water or take mini breaks, stretch your legs and then when you go to leave your desk your in pain, you feel like you're wrecking your body?

  • Are you pressing the snooze button a few times, then waking up, feeling tired, burn- out, exhausted, like you haven't slept at all even though you have a THRIVING successful career?

  • You are on the corporate ladder, working to create wealth and security then you get sick or in pain which leads to spending lots of money on endless treatments to get better which is a vicious rat race cycle? 

  • Are you feeling like there is not enough time during the day to get all your work done and you get frustrated and overwhelmed then you dont have clarity and make mistakes, then it takes more time to get things done?

  • Do you constantly put a brave face on. Like your wearing a mask, being positive, putting on a show around your friends , FAMILY and unable to be present, because of SO MANY PRESSURES IN LIFE? 

  • Do Find that Life is passing you by  and you are constantly busy, yet not achieving anything that really matters to you?

  • You don’t know which path to take, You may have tried a few different ways, they may have promised you that it would work,   to overcome the challenges, but they failed you.  I know of this sinario,  because I  have been there, they just promised me but its a 2 way stress my friend.  


 So I  know how that feels, I'm a woman of my word, with the belief that what goes around comes around. 

Here is My Promise to you, if you decide to take the next step with me we will take the step by step process. By taking the path of least resistance with ease and effortlessness of joining the 6 week program we will give a 30 day 100% money back guarantee because this is how much I believe in this program. 

Our time is valuable. Who is it for?

  • People who want to learn how to manage stress to feel good

  • Business owners, Corporate, Managers, farmers, if your in high pressure environments

  • People who are tired, exhausted, suffering or burnt out 

  • High achiever seeking balance between careers and personal lives

  • You want to have more fun, joy and feel amazing AND TO DO WHAT MATTERS,  

  • This is for YOU!


More About Kendra 

What's it worth to have one of the most experienced and passionate faciltator and coach which   give
you the foundation to personal transformation and simple techniques to change
your life and for you to be you

15 years ago Kendra went through her own highly stressful situation found her self in hospital, found what worked for her then decided to dedicate her life to serving others and nature.


She asked herself these following questions

1. Why are some people happy and others unhappy?
2. Why are some people really financially successful but still miserable?
3. How come some people have control of their thoughts and actions and
others don’t?
4. What cause pain, stress and suffering within us?
5. Why do people get to the end of life and have REGRETS that they didn't
fulfil?  there is still a high percentage (2018) statistics show of 92% of the
world's population.

Now several years later knowing that everyone is time poor, wanting to share with people what she had learned for her own experience and healing.With over 12 years of experience. Kendras had the privilege to work with people from all different walks of life which has given her a lot of experience with a lot of insight and perspective to see where people really struggling and when they are ready to breakthrough.

You are the leader of your life, the best coach you with ever have is you, time for you to feel good, manage your stress and modify it to positive impact your relationships and business.

Sign up today and you' get this renew program 

You are important!! This is your time to put you first. 

You will get access to the 6 week program online course

Enrol today by clicking the button below. You'll get an email confirmation and
immediate access to your member's area (and the entire course!)
Kendra has given a 30 day unconditional money back guarantee, to prove to you
that we care about you and your results.

  • What will I need to do?
    Give your self permission to recieve and give and commit. You don't need to know anything about the mind or the body or about the homeostasis of the body. What is necessary is for you to show up. Well-being isn't tangible thing but we know from my experience and the tools and skills you will learn you will be able to measure and learn for yourself.
  • Will I need to do this all the time?
    It's like all skills we learn, once you've learnt it you will be able to access the resources within, its like riding a bicycle, your subconscious mind starts to begin. We are rewiring and reinstalling and firering your brain waves.
  • I don't have the money or the time to do this?
    How much do you value your life? Im know this works, i'm not here to persuade you, to put yourself first, 85% forget about how important they are until its too late, once you learn the skill you can bring it into your everyday life.
  • Do I need my own space?
    It's best to begin uninterrupted space, however you will learn you can progress with people around you.You will need good internet connection.
  • I don't know anything about wellbeing do I need to do other training before I join the session?
    This is great for beginner to advanced levels. You will be taken step by step through a process. I am always contactable and here for you if you ever want to contact me
  • Why should I do this?
    Do you want quality of life with Long lasting results? You have tried multiple wellbeing habits and still looking for something that shows results and is easy to built into a habit
  • The facts are only 10% of the world population is being there best
    How did Kendra be and do it all? Through dedication and passion Stress management framework was created to lift up others to have balance as she had been through her own peronal journey. to have have high levels of joy and to do what matters. You may find this interesting the facts is only 10% of the world population is being the best, living and engaging in the moment, enjoying the process of life and just being. Here own journey inspired her to make it her life mission to increase the 10% to a greater number hence she decided to make it more accessible and affordable to touch and empower millions of people to live a better life via an online program.

"Everything starts and ends with you!" 
We offer a 30 day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Refund on all of my services. I genuinely want the best for you and believe in the effectiveness of the methods and my skills. Rest assured, your satisfaction is the priority, and we honor our guarantee.

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2024 Copyright © Kendra McCallum

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